Saturday, October 19, 2013

Barleycove plays NYC!

Freddy's Bar-Brooklyn, NY
It was a bucket-list moment, we played a set in Brooklyn at Freddy's Bar.  It's all a story of connections and life's weavings of a tale.  We are from three smaller towns in the South, so everyone has asked, "How did that happen?"  Meaning, how did a little band get a gig in the big city?  A professor and educator advocate, Dr. Mark Naison and I befriended each other through our education activism.  He also became a fan of our music and offered to help us in any way.  Hoping our album would be complete and thinking we could take our music beyond the Southern states, I asked Mark this summer if he knew of any places we could play in NY.  He then connected with a teacher/songwriter friend of his who sent me some possible venues.  Finally, we connected with Freddy's Bar and all was a go!

Badass Teacher and barleycove fan, Dr. Naison

The evening arrived and we had the honor of sharing the space with Lindsey Pavao, semi-finalist from The Voice (Season 2), and Heroes Last Mission from Sacramento, CA.  The talent in the room that night was overwhelming, and it was an honor to be a part of it all. It is rewarding to meet down-to-earth musicians who are simply touring day in and day out for the love of music.  It is inspiring and helps to keep us all motivated to keep creating new music.

Meeting Lindsey Pavao was an honor

This is also a tale of social media.  I met the incredibly talented, Trumpet Grrrl, on Twitter.  We have kept in touch and communitcated on the GoGirlsMusic chat (#ggchat) on Thursday nights.  I tweeted we would be in Brooklyn, she said she'd be there, and she was!  It is beautiful that this commmunity of independent female musicians is growing and supporiting each other!
With the amazing, Trumpet Grrrl

So, the moral to this story is: Do what you love, and you never know what could happen. Also, never underestimate the importance of our connections with all we meet.  Be kind to everyone and keep those bridges intact.

Thanks for taking the time to read,


Sunday, September 29, 2013

The Official barleycove Website is Up and Running!

Greetings lovely Earthlings!

Good news!  Our new website is here: !
It just makes things so official to us for some reason.  We have nifty buttons to all our links, and we are even on Pinterest-which apparently is the place to be!  Any suggestions, ideas, or novelty quotes would be appreciated to improve the site. So please take the time to check it out and keep watching the skies!

Saturday, September 7, 2013

What's the Latest with barleycove?

With so much going on in the world, it is easy to feel one's art is irrelevant.  Yet, artists feel the need to create, and express the emotions that dwell within us all.  With that being said, we are in the process of creating new music and are in the studio recording now.

Hmmm, last blog entry was in March, "So, what has been happening?", you might ask.  For one thing, we now have the incredible addition of Mr. Tim Trammel on drums!  The band feels cohesive now and the sound has really come alive. We also had a kickstarter project begin and end with not being funded.  It was disappointing and wonderful all at the same time.  First of all, kickstarter is a fundraiser site to help entrepreneurs fund their ideas; from authors' seeking to publish their own book to inventors with great gadgets, it allows people to donate to projects they deem valid. Contributors are also given "rewards" for their donations.  It is a beautiful exchange in this brave, new, independent world. A project has a monetary goal, but if that goal is not met in a certain time period, no money is collected.   Our goal was to raise $7,000 to record an EP with an accomplished producer.  To have family, friends, and fans support us in such a manner was heart-touching.  To not make our goal was heart- breaking...but, wait for it, there was a silver lining in the horizon.

Seeking to always improve, I began taking guitar lessons along with my son at Yellow Mama Music with Mike Dove.  Mike is a virtuoso on guitar and graduate of Atlanta's Musical Institute. He also mentioned in conversation that producing is something he would like to do more of and my ears perked up.  I mentioned I was going to do an EP with my band, but our kickstarter failed. I mentioned that I really envisioned an album concept, but questioned if that was too outdated in an iTunes world.  He was all about the vision, was up for the challenge, and finally, it is all coming together.

We began recording in July, and we are taking our time.  We were shooting for an early Fall release, but it may take longer. It truly is an amazing experience to watch the songs unravel and develop into something bigger than one could ever imagine.  My wish for everyone is that if you feel the desire to create, then do it!  Someone might benefit from what you have to offer, and the ride is quite lovely.

Thanks for even coming to read this blog!  Thank you for your support!


Monday, March 18, 2013

"It's Been Awhile"

Pursuing one's dreams takes as much effort as not pursuing them. We have been busy writing new songs, playing three hour gigs, yoga chanting for charity, and working full time in order to continue our quest for a livelihood in the music business. The beauty of today's music world is that one is not limited by age, weight, or because of geographical location as to why one's goals of pursuing music can not be achieved. One might have to have specific qualifications to meet the standards of a major label's requirements; but in these times, artists can create and be free to be who
they truly are without answering to anyone but themselves.

I am thankful to be a part of this new era of music. Soon, my band and I will be launching a "kick starter" project to raise money to make our first EP! People have been asking how they can help us, and we are giving them a chance to do so! We would then be able to create something grander, and it is in that process of creation that pure joy is found.  At first, I was hesitant to raise money this way, but Amanda Palmer's recent TED talk about "The Art of Asking" was the final validation to go for it! She encourages us all as artists to ask.

Please take the time to watch her inspirational words:

Thank you for reading this, remember to create, and we will be asking for your help
