Saturday, October 19, 2013

Barleycove plays NYC!

Freddy's Bar-Brooklyn, NY
It was a bucket-list moment, we played a set in Brooklyn at Freddy's Bar.  It's all a story of connections and life's weavings of a tale.  We are from three smaller towns in the South, so everyone has asked, "How did that happen?"  Meaning, how did a little band get a gig in the big city?  A professor and educator advocate, Dr. Mark Naison and I befriended each other through our education activism.  He also became a fan of our music and offered to help us in any way.  Hoping our album would be complete and thinking we could take our music beyond the Southern states, I asked Mark this summer if he knew of any places we could play in NY.  He then connected with a teacher/songwriter friend of his who sent me some possible venues.  Finally, we connected with Freddy's Bar and all was a go!

Badass Teacher and barleycove fan, Dr. Naison

The evening arrived and we had the honor of sharing the space with Lindsey Pavao, semi-finalist from The Voice (Season 2), and Heroes Last Mission from Sacramento, CA.  The talent in the room that night was overwhelming, and it was an honor to be a part of it all. It is rewarding to meet down-to-earth musicians who are simply touring day in and day out for the love of music.  It is inspiring and helps to keep us all motivated to keep creating new music.

Meeting Lindsey Pavao was an honor

This is also a tale of social media.  I met the incredibly talented, Trumpet Grrrl, on Twitter.  We have kept in touch and communitcated on the GoGirlsMusic chat (#ggchat) on Thursday nights.  I tweeted we would be in Brooklyn, she said she'd be there, and she was!  It is beautiful that this commmunity of independent female musicians is growing and supporiting each other!
With the amazing, Trumpet Grrrl

So, the moral to this story is: Do what you love, and you never know what could happen. Also, never underestimate the importance of our connections with all we meet.  Be kind to everyone and keep those bridges intact.

Thanks for taking the time to read,
